Welcome to The Reflection Centre

Welcome to The Reflection Centre

I’m so glad that you’re here.

By taking the time to assess and reflect on your leadership you’re already on your way to leading exceptionally.

Before you get into the assessments, I just want to highlight a few things about them.

When you do something that gives you ‘scores’ and feedback like surveys and assessments do it can be easy to focus on the gaps and then try to fill them as quickly as possible. The trouble is, this isn’t always useful because leading exceptionally is what we call an Infinite Game. It’s not a game we ‘win’ or ‘lose’, it’s a game that we aim to keep playing as the situation and circumstances change and that we help others to play too.

Because of this, it’s unlikely that you’ll ever get a ‘perfect’ score or that that should be what you’re aiming for. How you lead happens in relation to what’s going on in your context; it’s a dynamic, interactive process of learning and growth, which is why it’s important to see your results through this perspective - as part of an ongoing journey of progress and development.

You should also know that the results provided for you here are neither prescriptive nor permanent. Instead, they are tools to help you understand how you’ve been doing recently, and to make it easier for you to work out what could be the most useful first steps for you to take. They can support you in making intentional choices about where you want to focus your energy, attention and efforts in the coming days, weeks and months. And in doing so you can be smart, strategic and effective in shaping your journey as a leader.

Now that sounds like leading, exceptionally.

The Surveys

The Leaders Ecosystem

The Leaders Ecosystem

What we’ve been told ‘good’ leadership looks like wasn’t designed to meet the needs, challenges and opportunities of the world we live and lead in now. We need a flexible, agile ecosystem of ideas to support high performance now and into the future.
